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Breaking News: Canada Ends "Flagpoling" to Improve Fairness for PGWP Applicants

The Canadian government announced a new policy today aimed at improving fairness for applicants to the Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) program and reducing delays at the border. Effective June 21, 2024, foreign nationals can no longer apply for a PGWP at the border, however, any international student looking to apply for a post graduate work permit, can only apply online.

Understanding Flagpoling?

Flagpoling is a practice where temporary residents in Canada apply for work or study permits by leaving the country and then immediately re-entering to receive same-day immigration services, bypassing the normal online application process and wait times.

Why is Canada Ending Flagpoling?

The government says that flagpoling uses significant resources at the border, taking officers away from their core duties and causing delays for legitimate travelers and the movement of goods. They cited that between March 2023 and February 2024, nearly one-fifth of all those attempting to flagpole were PGWP applicants.

What are the Alternatives?

  • Submit your application online, not at the border: The Government of Canada is working to improve processing times by modernizing their systems to speed up application processing.

Other Recent Measures to Address Flagpoling have included

  • Faster Processing: speeding up processing times for in-Canada work permit applications

  • Simplified on-line Applications & work Authorisation: simplifying online application forms and processes so foreign nationals can continue working while they wait for a decision on their new application

  • Working for New Employers: authorizing workers to start working for a new employer right away, rather than waiting to have their new work permit application processed before changing jobs

Next Steps

If you are not sure of the eligiblity requirements for a PGWP or you need help with your application, contact us or schedule a consultation with one of our Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultants and get assistance with your immigration journey.

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