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Canadian Super Visa and Tourist Visa for Parents & Grandparents

There are two types of visa that parents can apply for to visit their children or grandchildren in Canada. These two types of visas are; Canadian Super Visa and Tourist Visa for Parents & Grandparents

Based on the table above, you can determine what types of visa your parents should apply for based on their length of stay, frequency of visit and health condition.

Personally, my parents always apply for the regular visiting visa and here is why;

  • My parents typically visit for a short period of time maximum of 3months every year or every other year

  • Over they years they are usually granted a minimum of 3years visiting visa.

  • They are in pretty good health and would only complete a routine medical checkup while visiting and they pay for those services in full. ( PS. Medical insurance for super visa does not cover routine medical checkup).

Applying for regular visiting visa every three years over the next 10 years, would cost about $1,100 vs over $6,000 in cost of applying for both parents. Therefore, given the length of my parents visit and stay in Canada the cost benefit is obvious.

You have to thoroughly assess the nature of your parents visit, length of stay, frequency of visit and health to determine which of type of visa they should apply for.

Interested in a medical insurance quote for your parents or grandparent’s visit Sun Life Financial for their free online quote.


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