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18-Month Extension for Expired or Expiring PGWP Holders

On March 17th, IRCC held a live stream at Humber College to announce the exciting news that Starting April 6th, 2023, PGWP holders who have expired or expiring permits will have an opportunity to apply for an extension of up to 18 months!

Those with permits expiring in 2023, may now qualify for an extension of up to 18 months.

Those with permits that have expired, will be able to apply for restoration of status, even beyond the 90-day rule, and qualify for an extension of up to 18 months.

The goal of this public measure is to help international students improve their Express Entry scores to assist them in getting to Permanent Residency faster.

IRCC acknowledges that Canada needs more workers in light of the labour shortages across many industries and that there need to recruit talented workers from around the world. They also recognize that young international students who come to Canada and go through the process of getting PR can have great benefits for the demographics in Canada, especially for communities that are losing more people than they are attracting.


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